
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

February 11, 2011

How Frances Fox Piven and Glenn Beck Incited Righteous Indignation in the Academy

Ashley Thorne

Peter Wood has a column on the Piven-Beck controversy in today's Chronicle. He writes, "Beck’s attention to Piven has driven much of the media interest in the story—but also much of......

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February 11, 2011

Study Finds Harvard U Press Heavily Biased to the Left

Ashley Thorne

A major survey of books Harvard University Press published from 2000-2010 raises important questions about the impartiality of this leading academic publisher.

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February 11, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

This week, student journalists comment on the upheavals in Egypt, a campus police force, anxiety about graduation and whether a state needs an official pie.

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February 9, 2011

No Room in Community Colleges

Ashley Thorne

Nearly a third of community college students were unable to enroll in one or more classes last semester because they were full, according to a new national survey.

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