
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

November 23, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student news beats sound off on Thanksgiving, the budget logjam in Washington, the fallacies of population control and the wrong way to stop internet piracy.

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November 23, 2011

Science and Western Civilization

William H. Young

William Young discusses the development of science in the Western intellectual tradition, noting that it has unfortunately become loosed from its original moorings.

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November 23, 2011

Get Off My Lawn

Peter Wood

College campuses are home base to the evicted Occupy Wall Street protesters.

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November 23, 2011

Better Matching of Students and Colleges?

George Leef

In this week’s Pope Center Clarion Call, I write about a company, ConnectEdu, that is bringing the same sort of matching that’s used in online dating services to college applications. It......

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November 23, 2011

Historian Victor Davis Hanson on American Higher Ed

George Leef

Former Cal State Fresno history professor Victor Davis Hanson writes here about the sad history of American higher ed over the last 50 years. He refers to "the Fannie and Freddie university" meaning......

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