
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

January 4, 2012

Ed Schools Are a Big Part of the Problem

George Leef

American primary and secondary education is feeble, largely because uneffective Ed schools must certify teachers no matter what they know about the  subject matter they teach. Also, those schoo......

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January 4, 2012

Richard DeMillo’s Blog

George Leef

Mr. Leef highlights a blog of the author of Abelard to Apple.

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January 4, 2012

A Law Professor Takes On the Victimhood Industry

Hans Bader

Hans Bader describes the Byzantine case of law professor Lawrence Connell, who's in big trouble for actually defending himself against preposterous harassment charges.

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January 3, 2012

NAS Blog Stats in 2011

Ashley Thorne

The NAS blog is ever more popular as gauged by visitor hits.

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January 3, 2012

Admissions Preferences

George Leef

California has a concrete diversity ceiling that discriminates against high performing students of Asian origin.

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