
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

February 7, 2012

Universities and Income Equality: New Evidence and Conjectures

Richard Vedder

Richard Vedder discusses new research suggesting that a greater proportion of degree-holders lowers income equality.

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February 7, 2012

Let's Be Frank About Anti-Asian Admission Policies

John Rosenberg

John Rosenberg describes the pervasive admissions bias against Asian students at elite schools, along with the comically untenable denials of those who practice them.

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February 6, 2012

Students as Customers: If They Can't Write, They're Still Right

John C. Chalberg

John C. Chalberg examines the consumer mentality that's largely taken over the community college where he teaches.

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February 6, 2012

“Harvard and the American Dream”

George Leef

Comments on the definition of the American Dream. Hint: It doesn't necessarily include a college degree.

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February 3, 2012

Two Styles of Academic Leadership

Abraham H. Miller

Academia is not an environment conducive to good leadership, as illustrated by two extreme leadership styles.

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