
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

September 5, 2012

A New Zealander Looks at American Higher Ed

George Leef

The bad habits in American higher education seem to have influenced the system in New Zealand.

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September 4, 2012

Ask a Scholar: What Government Debt Means

Garett Jones

Why do countries lend money to one another, and what does this mean?

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September 2, 2012

OSU Lantern Reports Prof’s Classroom Political Campaigning

Glenn Ricketts

The Ohio State Lantern picks up the story of classroom political recruiting and OSU's response.

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August 31, 2012

Peter Wood Comments on U of Montana Sexual Assault Tutorial

Glenn Ricketts

NAS President Peter Wood has reservations about the new policy.

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August 31, 2012

OSU to Faculty: “No Classroom Electioneering”

Peter Wood

The OSU administration has condemned partisan political activity in response to a complaint by the NAS.

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