
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

June 6, 2023

VIDEO: After Affirmative Action: Collapsing the Infrastructure

National Association of Scholars

Listen in as we discuss whether there is a future where colleges and universities do not promote racially discriminatory practices in admissions.

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June 6, 2023

For the Love of Free Inquiry

Kali Jerrard

The state of the modern university is bleak, and the sciences are no longer protected from the ailments plaguing higher ed. Should science jump the higher ed ship?

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June 6, 2023

Event: The Academy's Path to Illiberalism

National Association of Scholars

Listen in as we take a deep dive into the “deep state” of college accreditation, and discuss higher ed's long path to illiberalism.

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June 5, 2023

Comment on the NCSS's New "Social Studies" Definition

National Association of Scholars

The National Association of Scholars and the Civics Alliance oppose the NCSS's newly revised definition of "social studies" and recommend reexamination.

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May 31, 2023

VIDEO: Right Ideas: A Discussion of Irving Babbitt

National Association of Scholars

This webinar discusses the influence of Irving Babbitt's thought on American conservatism, and what his relevance is today.

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