
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

May 29, 2014

Brevity and Eloquence—Lessons From Calvin

Peter Wood

Calvin Coolidge offers lessons in how to make words count.

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May 29, 2014

Seasoned Debate: Should Education Have a Leftist Bias?

George Leef

Donald Lazere responds to George Leef's review of Why Education Should Have a Leftist Bias.

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May 28, 2014

Indiana Teachers Union Opposing Sensible Reform

Jason Fertig

The Indiana State Teachers Association is opposing a proposal to grant teaching licenses to college graduates with good grades and work experience.

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May 28, 2014

Prager U: Why America's Military Must Be Strong

Jason Fertig

Renowned British historian Andrew Roberts examines the effects of American military strength on the peace and prosperity of the world.

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