
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 14, 2024

AAUP Trades Academic Freedom for Boycotts

Peter W. Wood

The AAUP's new statement on boycotts places academic freedom on the backburner for temporary political gain.

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August 14, 2024

Event: Reforming Federal Science Policy

National Association of Scholars

A presentation of the NAS Model Science Policy Code, a comprehensive blueprint for Federal policymakers to reform federal science policy.

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August 13, 2024

Back to School

Kali Jerrard

A glimpse into higher education’s state of affairs before the academic year commences.

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August 6, 2024

An Elephant Walks into Class

Kali Jerrard

An assessment of the Republican higher education platform.

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August 5, 2024

Event: WWW: Wax, Weiss, Widdowson—this time it's personal

National Association of Scholars

Join the National Association of Scholars for a special in-person event at our New York City office, featuring Amy Wax, Elizabeth Weiss, and Frances Widdowson.

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