
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 24, 2016

Affirmative Action at the University of Louisville: A Case Study

Ben Foster

An examination of the application of seldom-scrutinized affirmative action policies in one university.

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March 23, 2016

Rachelle Peterson Discusses Exxon and Fossil Fuels on Mandy Connell Show

National Association of Scholars

Rachelle Peterson discusses her Weekly Standard article, "Why They Hate Exxon," on the Mandy Connell Show. 

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March 23, 2016

Are Colleges Wasting Endowment Funds on Virtue-Signaling?

Rachelle Peterson

Political posturing is inappropriate to institutions of higher education.

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March 23, 2016

Ask a Scholar: What are the Effects of Carbon Dioxide on the Earth's Atmosphere?

Glenn Ricketts

Climatologist David Legates explains why the influence of atmospheric gasses does not necessarily reflect their proportion in the atmosphere.

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March 22, 2016

Non-Trump University

Chance Layton

NAS President Peter Wood writes about the "bait-and-switch" of American higher education.

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