
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 4, 2021

New Report Details Systemic Failure of College Finance, Proposes Reforms

National Association of Scholars

Colleges and universities have facilitated a massive transfer of wealth from American families to higher education bureaucracies through rising tuition and student debt, finds a new report by the Nati......

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March 2, 2021

California Inches Closer to Ethnic Studies Mayhem

David Acevedo

California's Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum is set to be finalized and published on March 31. What will it cost students if it does indeed cross the finish line?

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February 23, 2021

Want a Promotion? Join the Church of DEI.

David Acevedo

The University of Utah Department of Physics & Astronomy has proposed a new faculty policy that would require professors to confess their faith in diversity, equity, and inclusion to be promoted.

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February 18, 2021

Exclusive: Univ. of Utah Proposes Allegiance to DEI as a Condition for Promotion and Tenure

David Acevedo

The University of Utah Department of Physics & Astronomy is the latest to attempt to enshrine the unholy trinity of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in its faculty policies.

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February 17, 2021

New ACLU Head Has a Civil Rights Problem Back Home

Adam Kissel

Deborah Archer is the new president of the American Civil Liberties Union, but she doesn't exactly have a history of protecting civil rights at her other workplace, NYU Law.

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