
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 23, 2021

The Future of Gifted Education, the Genderbread Person, and Parental Pushback

John D. Sailer

Rather than being a year when traditional civics met its demise, 2021 has clarified to many people what they should expect from education. We can count that as a great achievement.

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December 22, 2021

One Less Talent for China: The Rise and Fall of Charles Lieber

Marina Ziemnick

We must be vigilant in tracking and stopping the flow of American research to China. Charles Lieber’s conviction is a step in the right direction, but it is by no means the end of the fight.

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December 22, 2021

American Citizenship: Caught Between Creed and Clan

Geoffrey M. Vaughan

Being an American means affirming both the universal truths of the Declaration and being part of a people who govern themselves through the offices, obligations, and rights established by the Con......

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December 21, 2021

‘Tis the Season for Admissions Folly!

David Acevedo

When it comes to anti-Asian racism, the Biden administration is all bark and no bite.

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December 20, 2021

Revisiting the Elements of Style

Marina Ziemnick

There’s no formula for becoming a strong and engaging writer. But cultivating a love of the written word is a good place to start.

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