
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

January 30, 2009

Electracy What a Tangled Web We Weave

Peter Wood

If electronic proficiency replaces literacy, can we be truly whole?

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January 29, 2009

Shaming the Winners

Ashley Thorne

Media hype after a 100-0 basketball game between two small private schools in Dallas exemplified a cultural tendency to vilify success.

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January 28, 2009

Updike at Rest

Peter Wood

Will the great American author's legacy outlive him?

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January 26, 2009

Enchanting Sustainability

Peter Wood

Shock and awe come to the university.

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January 23, 2009

Wild BOARS in California

Glenn Ricketts

Our California affiliate raises objections to proposals which will guarantee admissions to 9 percent of each high school.

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