
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 17, 2021

Fermilab Concedes to Woke Physicists

Christopher Sanfilippo

Known for its powerful particle accelerator, Fermilab epitomizes American physics research. But after accusations of racism, a group of woke physicists now controls the lab.

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August 12, 2021

South Dakota Says "No" to Federal Programs Propagating Racial Grievance

David Randall

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signed an Executive Order directing the South Dakota Department of Education to refrain from applying for any federal grants tied to critical race theory.

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August 11, 2021

Anti-CRT Amendment Added to $3.5 Trillion Federal Spending Bill

David Randall

In a late-night session, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) successfully introduced an amendment to prevent federal funds from being used to promote Critical Race Theory (CRT) in pre-K and K-12 schools. The am......

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August 10, 2021

Ethnic Studies Takes CA Community Colleges By Storm

David Acevedo

Education in the Golden State has been a roller coaster. In the latest loop-the-loop, the CCC Governing Board is requiring an ethnic studies course for all students seeking an associate's degree.

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August 9, 2021

Strides in Civics Education Reform

David Randall

It's time for a progress report on the movement to reform civics education. How have reform bills fared? How have reformers succeeded by means other than state laws?

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