
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 22, 2008

Ask a Scholar

Peter Wood

Have you ever wondered whether science fiction is literature? Or whether Russia is part of 'the West'? Now is your chance to ask a scholar!

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October 17, 2008

New NAS Affiliate in Arkansas

Sandra Stotsky

The National Association of Scholars is proud to announce the inception of a new affiliate for the state of Arkansas.

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October 16, 2008

Tunnel Vision

Ashley Thorne

This week, while haunted houses thrilled some, dark tunnels of oppression channeled others through

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October 16, 2008

Weighing the Evidence: New Studies on Racial Preferences at Three Universities

Glenn Ricketts

NAS affiliates helped the Center for Equal Opportunity document discrimination in law school admissions.

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October 15, 2008


Peter Wood

A professor at Carroll University is disappointed when she tries to teach students to be activists.

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