
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 8, 2009

Deacon Garb at UNC

Ashley Thorne

Wild West killer-for-hire "Deacon" Jim Miller dressed the part of a church-going citizen.  Why does UNC Chapel Hill lecture series  on "Renewing the Western Tradition" come to mind? Peter......

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October 8, 2009

Politics as Pedagogy?

Ashley Thorne

At Critical Mass, Erin O’Connor has an excellent take on a professor’s recent article justifying her use of the classroom for political activism. Professor Gemma Puglisi, who t......

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October 8, 2009

Military Blogs: The First Pages of History

Jonathan Bean

As an instructor of online history courses, I have many students overseas (Afghanistan, Kosovo, Iraq, Saudi Arabia). The Internet connects them to me (and to the rest of us). The stories I could rel......

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October 8, 2009

Encyclopedia of Sustainability

Ashley Thorne

NAS presents an encyclopedia of the key names, terms, and organizations in the sector of sustainability activism aimed specifically at re-centering elementary and higher education around sustainabilit......

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October 7, 2009

Follow the Money: How Radical Speakers Get Rich on Campus Lecture Tours

Jonathan Bean

Jay Schalin has an excellent piece examining one of the dirty secrets of higher education: the generous funding of left-wing speakers and the exclusion of other viewpoints. See his essay "Radical Rh......

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