
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

November 2, 2009

Berkeley and Barriers

Ashley Thorne

A reader commenting on my post "Teaching Can Be Dangerous" wrote: Speaking of politicization, I have a friend who is applying to a PhD program at Berkeley. He sent me the “personal hist......

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November 2, 2009

Boutique Colleges Can Thrive

George Leef

My Pope Center colleague Jay Schalin writes here about the difficulties that very small colleges face, but also their prospects for success at filling a niche in the vast educational marketplace.

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October 30, 2009

Illinois Fails ACTA Report Card

Ashley Thorne

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni has released a report card on public higher education in the state of Illinois. According to the ACTA press release: The report card, entitled For the P......

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October 30, 2009

Teaching Can Be Dangerous

Ashley Thorne

Cross-posted from, "An Unsuccessful Education Can Ruin You": The Chronicle of Higher Education has an article, "Course Reminds Budding Ph.D.'s of the Damage They Can Do," about a semi......

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October 30, 2009

Debate: Operation U Reform

Ashley Thorne

Check out Peter Wood's response to Robert Weissberg's Minding the Campus article, "Rescuing the University."  The debate was also linked on Instapundit.

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