
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 15, 2009

News Flash: Google Allows Full Search Function for Climategate

Glenn Ricketts

I'm happy to report that Google is now allowing its suggestion function to accomodate searches for Climategate. Recall that I posted last week in reference to the very strange absence of this se......

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December 15, 2009

Pas Possible: Discrimination - Against Girls?

Candace de Russy

Kudos to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights for raising an issue that the higher education establishment would rather keep buried. The commission's latest inquiry involves suspected gender......

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December 15, 2009

Guided by a Red Star: Ed Schools Bring Frankincense to the Cradle of Marxism

Ashley Thorne

A journal of Marxism and critical pedagogy erodes the distinction between classrooms and class struggle.

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December 15, 2009

The Philomath Speaks: An Interview with Anu Garg

Peter Wood

"Words are like air — they are all around us even though we can't see them, and they are just as essential," says Anu Garg, creator of

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December 14, 2009

Businesses Move From Greenwashing to Sincerity, Business Schools Adapt

Ashley Thorne

The Financial Times has an article on how corporations, which formerly touted their commitment to the environment as a marketing ploy, now really believe in the eco-cause. More and more business sch......

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