
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

January 20, 2010

Where Did the Sustainability Movement Come From?

Ashley Thorne

NAS's Glenn Ricketts traces the history of the sustainability movement, now dominant as a campus ideology, in a major article that will appear in a forthcoming sustainability-themed issue of our......

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January 20, 2010

Things to Come

David Clemens

Having just returned from a Foresight Institute conference on “The Synergy of Molecular Manufacturing and AGI,” I am struck by the educational implications of what I heard about transfor......

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January 20, 2010

Typecasting: Why Nurses are Women, Cops are Conservatives, and Professors are Liberals

Ashley Thorne

A new study concludes that a stereotype keeps conservatives from becoming professors.

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January 19, 2010

Those That REALLY Teach, Can Also DO

Michael Krauss

I was pleased to read this posting in The Lawyerist, entitled Teaching Makes You a Better Lawyer.  This is so true, in my opinion, but it's self-serving when coming from the academy.  ......

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January 19, 2010

Higher Education or Handholding?

George Leef

In yesterday's Pope Center piece, Jay Schalin takes a look at programs in the UNC system that aim at taking the weakest of the incoming students and giving them remedial work in basic math and E......

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