
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

February 2, 2010

Does a Statement of Faith Deprive Professors of Academic Freedom?

Ashley Thorne

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), the Canadian counterpart to the AAUP, thinks so. We at NAS disagree.

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February 2, 2010

Blacklisting a Christian University

Ashley Thorne

The AAUP's Canadian counterpart, the CAUT, has declared that Trinity Western University's statement of faith deprives faculty members of academic freedom. We disagree.

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February 1, 2010

Recommended Articles for 2/1/10

Ashley Thorne

The State of the University, Ashley Thorne, NAS What President Obama's State of the Union address means for the future of higher education.  Howard Zinn, Silent, Peter Wood, NAS Howard......

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February 1, 2010

China is Likely to Overtake the U.S. in Scientific Research

Alex B. Berezow

The writing is on the wall.  China will overtake the U.S. in scientific output in the near future.  A couple reports make this conclusion almost inevitable. First, a recent post on the blo......

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February 1, 2010

Peter Wood on Anger Today

Ashley Thorne

NAS President Peter Wood speaks on anger and civility in the public square.

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