
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 10, 2010

10 Myths That the University Doesn't Let Die

Ashley Thorne

At the Pope Center, Jay Schalin has a great article listing 10  discredited ideas propagated by colleges and universities. He says academics "tend to live in a theoretical universe, while......

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March 10, 2010

Obama-Care Meets Obama-Ed

Peter Wood

The health care bill isn't the only government takeover Obama is seeking to pass through "reconciliation." He's also looking to take control of the student loan industry.

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March 10, 2010

Expanding Enrollments, Declining Standards: American Higher Ed Prepares to Take the Plunge

Peter Wood

Do we really want to do to higher education what we have to K-12 education? We might achieve the hollow boast of the most college-credentialed citizenry in the world who also happen to be among the......

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March 10, 2010

Is NAS Anti-Science? A Reply to a Critic

Peter Wood

NAS responds to accusations leveled at our article on Al Gore and global warming science.

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March 9, 2010

Reply to Bruff

David Clemens

Dr. Derek Bruff takes issue with my satire on the use of clickers (“The Data-Driven Classroom,” March 3, 2010).  His comments, professional and sincere, are also provocative at a ti......

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