
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 29, 2010

In Case You Missed It: Social Justice and Other Buzzwords

Ashley Thorne

John Leo, editor of Minding the Campus, published an article on National Review Online called "Code Words." He links Glenn Beck's warning about "social justice" to other code words of the campus......

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March 29, 2010

Ann Coulter's Speech at U Ottawa Cancelled Amid Threats

Ashley Thorne

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter was scheduled to speak at the University of Ottawa last week, having been invited by a student group at the campus. In anticipation of her speech, the University&#......

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March 29, 2010

National Biometric Identification Card

Alex B. Berezow

Sens. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are working together to create a national identification card with biometric technology. The purpose of the card will be to curb illegal immigr......

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March 29, 2010

Snobs Aplenty in the Ivory Tower

Candace de Russy

In an insightful commentary at In Character (subtitled "a journal of everyday virtues"), Naomi Schaefer Riley examines how academe evolved from Socrates's dictum, "All I know is that I know noth......

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March 29, 2010

Home Tutoring: An Emerging Profession

Mitchell Langbert

I was just looking over Kant's On Education.  He died in 1804 when Germany was but on the cusp of industrialization (it considerably lagged Great Britain).  Kant emphasizes home school......

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