
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 28, 2010

College for the Credential, Work for the Education

George Leef

David Bass decided on getting his college degree entirely through online courses. His college classes, just as he had thought, did little to advance his capabilities in comparison with all the on-th......

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December 28, 2010

Austrian School Economists and the Housing Bubble

George Leef

Quite a few Austrian economists predicted the housing bubble, based on their method of analyzing changes in incentives and their logical consequences.

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December 28, 2010

'Potentially Evangelical'

Peter Wood

Peter Wood draws attention to a lawsuit brought against the University of Kentucky by an astronomer who claims he was denied appointment because of religious bias.

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December 28, 2010

Debating the Academic Bill of Rights

Peter Wood

Does the Academic Bill of Rights amount to affirmative action for conservative faculty or is it an appeal to colleges and universities to end discrimination on the basis of political views?

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December 23, 2010

"How to Win a Beauty Pageant" - No Comment

Glenn Ricketts

New history course at Oberlin College.

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