
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

May 17, 2011

Yes, There Are Classics in Business Education

Jason Fertig

To be really effective in training students for "the real world," business professors should substitute business "classics" for impractical and confusing textbooks.

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May 16, 2011

Video: Ben Novak on the Impotency of Student Government

How university student governments went from taking responsibility for and pride in the "spirit of the university" to an attitude of entitlement and parasitism.

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May 13, 2011

Two Canadian Profs Turn Thumbs Down on Their Higher Ed System

George Leef

In today's Pope Center article, I review the new book by sociology professors James Cote and Anton Allahar (University of Western Ontario), Lowering Higher Education.

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May 12, 2011

YouTube U

David Clemens

At a recent Liberty Fund Socratic Seminar on “Education and Liberty in the Digital Age,” the conferees considered whether the Internet cum computer constitute “disruptive tech......

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May 11, 2011

Media Over-Reports Cancer Studies

Alex B. Berezow

The media notoriously over-report epidemiology studies. One day, coffee is bad for you; the next day, it's the fountain of youth.

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