
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

June 17, 2011

Should Mandatory "Civic Engagement" Be Part of the College Mission?

George Leef

In today's Pope Center piece, Tulane University sociology professor Carl Bankston argues that colleges should not mandate "civic engagement" of their students. Doing so is inconsistent with a li......

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June 17, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Collegiate journalists talk about the tragedy of the Gaza Strip, the wrong way to address campus sexual assault, misguided personnel policies and the psychology of t-shirts.

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June 17, 2011

What is Advocacy?

Peter Wood

NAS President Peter Wood discusses classroom advocacy and academic freedom.

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June 16, 2011

Better Blueprint Needed

Jason Fertig

A recent proposal to upgrade business curricula correctly pinpoints current deficiencies, but doesn't offer a credible alternative.

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June 15, 2011

FERPA -- Another Case of Federal Overreach?

George Leef

In this week's Pope Center Clarion Call, Steven Roy Goodman takes a critical look at FERPA (the Family and Educational Rights Privacy Act) and argues that it often impedes access to key informat......

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