
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

July 12, 2012

Capitalism and Western Civilization: Critical Thinking

William H. Young

William Young describes the kind of critical thinking skills needed in modern business enterprises.

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July 11, 2012

A Survival Guide for the Right in Leftist Academia

Robert Maranto

The ivory tower needs conservatives, and with the right attitude and a lot of hard work, conservatives can succeed in academia, write Robert Maranto and Matthew Woessner.

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July 11, 2012

One Way to Promote Intellectual Diversity

George Leef

Break the monopoly on publications that count towards tenure.

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July 10, 2012

Grade Inflation in Minnesota – Just Like Everywhere Else

Glenn Ricketts

Historian Chuck Chalberg analyzes the factors behind the surfeit of A's students get these days.

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