
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 22, 2012

College Degrees Aren't Umbrellas

George Leef

George Leef critiques a recent report that argues that in a recession, people who have degrees are less likely to lose their jobs than those who don’t have degrees.

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August 22, 2012

Stop Treating Trustees Like Mushrooms

George Leef

Most college and university trustees are generally kept in the dark; they need independence to get the right information.

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August 21, 2012

Binge-Drinking Students Do Worse in School, But They Are Happier!

Ashley Thorne

College students who binge-drink are more likely to be happy, but also to perform poorly in academic work.

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August 20, 2012

Naomi and Me

Peter Wood

Peter Wood responds to Naomi Schaefer Riley's article in the New York Post which suggests that Dr. Wood has been silenced for dissenting from politically correct orthodoxy.

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August 20, 2012

NAS's Sandra Stotsky at Teacher Education Panel

Ashley Thorne

“We no longer can count on strong high school preparation, which is what other countries rely on for those they admit to a teacher preparation program,” Stotsky said.

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