
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 28, 2023

Letter: Comments on Indiana Social Studies Standards

Peter Wood and David Randall

The draft Indiana Social Studies Standards provides a solid basis for social studies instruction, although they would still benefit from systematic revision.

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March 22, 2023

Exclusive Documents: UNC School of Medicine Creates and Hides Social Justice Plan

John D. Sailer

New documents from UNC's School of Medicine details a department's plan to force students to engage in "effective social justice advocacy."

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March 21, 2023

On The Chopping Block

Kali Jerrard

Does nixing standardized testing make college admissions more equal? 

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March 16, 2023

Neetu Arnold on "DEI at Arizona State University"

National Association of Scholars

NAS Fellow Neetu Arnold was recently featured on the Young Voices Radio Show. Listen in as she delves into the dark side of DEI curricula in higher education, and shines a light on the "trade secr......

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March 14, 2023

Literature, Indoctrination, and DEI, Oh My

Kali Jerrard

What happens when we look the other way as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies take over the humanities.

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