
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 6, 2013

Test Your Knowledge: Christmas Music

Glenn Ricketts

A quiz on some of the traditions behind traditional Christmas music.

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December 6, 2013

A Campus Conversation About Diversity of Ideas

J. Martin Rochester

A campus diversity council hears a case for intellectual diversity.

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December 5, 2013

Test Your Knowledge of Kierkegaard: The Gadfly Quiz

Hilarius Bogbinder

This philosopher earned the nickname "the fork" in his youth. How well do you know him?

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December 5, 2013

Signing the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment

Rachelle Peterson

Nearly 700 college presidents vow to eliminate their campuses' greenhouse gas emissions. NAS found that these schools are concentrated along the two coasts, more likely to be elite liberal arts co......

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December 4, 2013

Test Your Knowledge: Edenic Words

Ashley Thorne

Try your hand at this vocabulary quiz inspired by Genesis 3.

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