
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

May 4, 2016

Jason Riley's Invitation and Disinvitation Emails

National Association of Scholars

NAS publishes the original notes Jason Riley received inviting him, and then disinviting him, from speaking at Virginia Tech. 

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May 3, 2016

You Are Cordially Disinvited

Peter Wood

Jason Riley is the most recent conservative speaker to recieve a disinvitation. 

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May 3, 2016

How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Peter Wood

NAS President Peter Wood writes on how the American Anthropology Association's bandwagon vote to boycott Israeli academic institutions is a step toward toward the death of another a......

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May 2, 2016

The "Right-wing Billionaires are Going to Take Over Higher Education" Hobgoblin

George Leef

Is conservative money poisoning the well of education or something else?

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May 2, 2016

Update on the State of Western Civilization at Stanford

Stanford Review Editorial Board

Earlier this year the Stanford Review petitioned for a Western Civilization course requirement in the University's core curriculum. Their Editorial Board provides an update on the initiative.

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