
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 1, 2018

Turning a Blind Eye To Academic Dishonesty

Peter Wood

Last week NAS President Peter Wood wrote to University of Houston President Renu Khator asking for a review of a high profile case of plagiarism. 

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July 23, 2018

Is Service-Learning a Disservice to Philosophy?

National Association of Scholars

NAS member Spencer Case writes on the use of service-learning in philosophy.

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July 23, 2018

Why Non-Scientists Need To Study the Philosophy of Science

Edward R. Dougherty

NAS Member Edward R. Dougherty writes on what all students should know about scientific epistemology.

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July 20, 2018

The Misappropriation of Madison and Montpelier

William H. Young

William Young discusses the ideologically revised exhibits at James Madison's homestead.

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