
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 13, 2020

An Outspoken Scholar Gets Canceled, Again, but He’s Not Giving Up

Christopher Kendall

What do you get when you cross scholarly criticism of anticolonialism and an angry mob of academic "cancelers"? The results aren't pretty.

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October 13, 2020

President Trump’s Plans for Higher Ed

David Acevedo

The Trump administration seems most concerned with helping prospective students and their families make wise choices about college and supporting students while they are there.

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October 9, 2020

Department of Justice Sues Yale for Racial Discrimination in Admissions

David Acevedo

In August, Yale College was warned that it must make changes to its racially discriminatory admissions practices. It failed to do so and now faces a federal lawsuit.

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October 8, 2020

UT Law School’s New First Amendment Center: A Potemkin Village?

Louis K. Bonham

The new Law and Religion Clinic "will not engage in litigation that can succeed only at the expense of the rights of groups represented in our community." What does that mean?

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October 7, 2020

Vindicate Dr. Bruce Gilley's Personal and Professional Reputation

National Association of Scholars

Dr. Gilley's book and book series were canceled shortly after an online mob deemed his work unacceptable. Click to read and sign the NAS's counter-petition.

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