
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 10, 2020

Critical Race Training or Civil Rights Law: We Can’t Have Both

George R. La Noue

Can CRT-inspired training, Title VII, and Title IX coexist? Not likely.

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December 9, 2020

Why I Left the AHA and Joined the NAS

Johanna Neuman

A long-time journalist-turned historian explains why she left the American Historical Association to join the National Association of Scholars, citing the AHA's cowardice amid the events of 2020.

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December 8, 2020

Open Letter: McGill Must Defend Prof. Salzman and Academic Freedom

National Association of Scholars

Students at McGill University are demanding the removal of Professor Philip Carl Salzman's Emeritus status. Click to read and sign the NAS's counter-petition.

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December 8, 2020

Washington Schools Reject The 1619 Project

David Acevedo

Washington's 15 largest school districts have no plans to use 1619 Project-inspired K-12 history curricula, sparing nearly 400,000 students from pseudo-historical propaganda.

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December 4, 2020

Turning Higher Education and America From Racism

William H. Young

Each year, more Americans see racism as a major problem plaguing the country. And yet, there has been very little change in the status of blacks for decades. Might sociologists be to blame?

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