Robert Maranto


June 19, 2020

How Academia and Elite Media Devalue Black Lives

Robert Maranto and Martha Bradley-Dorsey

The retreat of disinterested social scientists leaves the academic study of racism to postmodernists interested in only the most esoteric and radical aspects of race and policing.

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July 20, 2017

Robert Maranto Discusses Anti-Christian Prejudice in Higher Education

Robert Maranto

NAS Member Dr. Robert Moranto discusses anti-Christian prejudice in higher education.

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December 2, 2015

Dear Future Conservative Professor

Robert Maranto

The academy needs ideological diversity, and conservative students should be undaunted in participating at the higest level. 

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July 11, 2012

A Survival Guide for the Right in Leftist Academia

Robert Maranto

The ivory tower needs conservatives, and with the right attitude and a lot of hard work, conservatives can succeed in academia, write Robert Maranto and Matthew Woessner.

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