J. Scott Turner

Academic Questions

April 24, 2024

Introduction: Heterodox Thinking on Evolution

J. Scott Turner

Scott Turner, a member of the group of scientists called The Third Way of Evolution and coordinator for this feature, introduces readers to our look at the state of evolutionary science. Turner explai......

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April 24, 2024

Homeostasis and Purposeful Evolution

J. Scott Turner

Life may exist in a physical world, writes Scott Turner, but it is also marked by attributes not to be found in that world, such as intentionality, purposefulness, design, and intelligence. The Darwin......

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January 10, 2023

Decolonizing Science

J. Scott Turner

It is far from clear that Western science has suppressed or damaged “indigenous knowledge,” as a recent editorial in Nature suggests. But there is an important story to tell about science,......

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October 24, 2022

Unreasonable Science

J. Scott Turner

A review of "Science in an Age of Unreason," by John Staddon, 2022, Regnery Gateway Press, pp. 303, $29.99 hardbound.

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