400th Article

Ashley Thorne

This week NAS published our new website’s 400th article. We launched our made-over website in March 2008, carried over a few articles from the old site, and jumped deliberately into the journalistic spirit of the times. Since then, we have built up momentum, providing timely commentary on what’s happening in the higher education world. When just now we paused to take stock of our labor, we were cheered to see how far our steady practice has taken us.  

We’re still working out some issues with our search engine, and we hope soon to have a comprehensive index system that will enable readers to easily find articles by college, by topic, by author, etc. Right now our essays are categorized by month, and we fear that many of our best may be hidden away in the dark archives of “Articles by Date.”

Let’s see how well you’ve kept up with us. Did you see the piece by Wendy Shalit on the campus hookup culture? Did you know NAS investigated U Mass Amherst’s undergraduate program in socialism? Or that we invited readers to “Ask a Scholar” their most pressing questions that Wikipedia can’t answer? Or that NAS took its own diversity education course?

We broke the news when a university offered course credit for Obama campaign volunteers, and when Virginia Tech set up a way to filter out faculty members who did not embrace “diversity” service. We “fisked” the most recent major AAUP statement, providing what AAUP President Cary Nelson said was “the only really intellectually detailed and thorough critique” out of over 600 responses received by the organization.

Friends of ours wrote in, imagining how they would run the higher ed zoo. “Margaret Matthews,” an Argus volunteer, recounted being told by her university that she couldn’t transfer out of her “diversity” job because it would be difficult “finding another black woman to replace you.” And having noticed a “Wall of Secrets” in a campus building, NAS explored the college-encouraged concept of therapy secret-telling. After that, we told some of our secrets.  

So go ahead, learn our secrets. Find the articles you missed before. And stick around for our next 400.

Here are some of our “highlight” articles. You can find them by topic, by special series, by college/university, or by date.

By Topic 

Academic Freedom

            Freedom Bound: The AAUP Presidential Election

            Debate: The Meaning of Academic Freedom (Video)

            Academic Freedom is a Public Trust

            Virginia Tech, Academic Freedom, and Employment Law

            The Antagonym Explained

Bias Reporting

            Williams Chokes Up

            Snitch Studies at Cal Poly: We Snare Because We Care


            A Degree in Agitprop

            Socialism for Sophomores


            What Does a Chief Diversity Officer Actually Do?

            What You Learn Depends on What (and Whom) You Ask

            My Degree in Diversity

            Unworldly Diversity

            Sustainability is the New Diversity

            More Researchers Try to Measure Diversity’s Effects

            Free to Agree

            Suitable for Framing

            “The Only Work I Can Get Around Here Involves Diversity Programs”

            Millennium Falcon: The Bias Birds of Prey

            Virginia Tech, Round Two: Staging Diversity


            What Does Sustainability Have to Do with Student Loans?

            America’s Financial Crisis and Higher Education

            The Cave

            Deferred Maintenance


            LSU Retreats to its “Safe Space”

            Hey Guys!

            “Gender Identity” Restrooms at U Arizona


            The Copyist: The Plagiarist and the Noose

            Beehive Whacking

            Noose Professor Cites NAS in Lawsuit


            Disruption: Advising the Next President

            Fairy Tales for Freshmen: Mile-High Propaganda

            Unbuttoned in Illinois

            No Big Deal...But Many Small Ones

            “Ask God What Your Grade Is”

            Acknowledging the “Knowledge-Politics Problem”

            Closed Eyes

            The "I-Revel-in-My-Biases" School of Social Work -- And What It Does to a Student Who Declines to Join the Revelry

            College Credit for Campaign Volunteers

            About Face at Amherst

Racial Preferences

            Preferring Merit: Why Racial Preferences Are Worse than Legacy Admissions

            The Effects of Proposition 209 on California: Higher Education, Public

            Employment, and Contracting

            How Preferences Have Corrupted Higher Education

            Hiring Discrimination and Quotas at OSU

            Bucks for Buckeyes

            River Rafting

            Caltech Competes

            Affirmative Spoils

Residence Life

            Psychotherapeutic Interventions, Transformative Learning, and the Dorms of U


            Are the Dorms Being Politicized? (Video)

            UD Faculty, Students Stand Up Against Res Life Proposal

            Never Mind Tocqueville, Let’s List Slurs

Sexual Harassment

            Sexual Harassment Training and Collective Guilt

            Spinning Our Training Wheels

            Now It Can Be Told! Revelations from the Secret Annals of Sexual Harassment


            Human Nature: NAS Attends an Environmental Justice Conference

            What Does Sustainability Have to Do with Student Loans?

            Wartime Thrift   

            Tap Dancers: Bottled Water and College Students

            The Cave

            Enchanting Sustainability          


            Comment on NPR’s Broadcast, “The Cost of Being Green”

            Sustainability is the New Diversity

            Green Fatigue

            Proven Commitment to the Climate

            Green Goblins

            Sustainability Education’s New Morality

Student Culture

            Is College Driving Students to Drink?

            Facebook and the Future of the University

            Hookup Ink

Therapeutic U

            Psychotherapeutic Interventions, Transformative Learning, and the Dorms of U Delaware

            The Cave

            Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

            Slouching Toward the Therapeutic University: Part 1

            Slouching Toward the Therapeutic University: Part 2

            Slouching Toward the Therapeutic University: Part 3


Most Viewed

Most Commented

Best Pictures

Best Rhymes

Most Controversial

Hidden Meaning Fiction

Best Kept Secret

By Special Series

How Many Delawares? (22)

Scandal of Social Work Education (17)

Academic Questions Samples (11)

Ask a Scholar (5)

If I Ran the Zoo (17)

Argus Project (15)

By College/University

Brandeis University

            Art for Gold

            Brandishing an Apology

Cal Poly

            Snitch Studies at Cal Poly: We Snare Because We Care


            Caltech Competes

Columbia University

            The Copyist: The Plagiarist and the Noose

            Noose Professor Cites NAS in Lawsuit



            Sustainability Education’s New Morality

Duke University

            Stick to the Facts: Why Duke was Ready to Believe the Duke Lacrosse Hoax

Los Angeles City College

            “Ask God What Your Grade Is”

Louisiana State University

            LSU Retreats to its “Safe Space”

Loyola University

            Affirmative Spoils

Macalester College

            Macalester Preps for World Domination

Metropolitan State College

            Fairy Tales for Freshmen: Mile-High Propaganda

Miskatonic University

            A Degree in Agitprop

Ohio State University

            Hiring Discrimination and Quotas at OSU

            Bucks for Buckeyes

Queens College

            Canada Gets It Right

Rhode Island College

            The "I-Revel-in-My-Biases" School of Social Work -- And What It Does to a Student Who Declines to Join the Revelry

Southern New Hampshire University, Salem

            No Maintenance At All: Just Education

Texas A&M International University

            Beehive Whacking

The New School

            New Fear at the New School

University of Arizona

            Stop the Hate and Celebrate: The University of Arizona Purges

            “Gender Identity” Restrooms at U Arizona

University of Delaware

            Psychotherapeutic Interventions, Transformative Learning, and the Dorms of U


            UD Faculty, Students Stand Up Against Res Life Proposal

            Never Mind Tocqueville, Let’s List Slurs

University of Illinois

            Unbuttoned in Illinois

U Mass Amherst

            A Degree in Agitprop

            No Big Deal...But Many Small Ones

            Socialism for Sophomores

            College Credit for Campaign Volunteers

            About Face at Amherst

University of Vermont

            Champlain Ethics

University of Wisconsin, Fox Valley

            Vote on Administrator’s Political Showcasing

            Update on UW Fox Dean’s Blog

Virginia Tech

            Free to Agree

            Suitable for Framing

            Letter to VT from Virginia Association of Scholars

            Virginia Tech, Academic Freedom, and Employment Law

            Virginia Tech, Round Two: Staging Diversity

            Virginia Tech’s “Inclusive” Rodomontade

            Holding VT Accountable: Virginia Association of Scholars Writes Again

            Virginia Tech Follies: Roanoke Edition

            Virginia Tech Follies: Synergy Edition

Yeshiva College

            Dishonoring Yeshiva

Williams College

            Williams Chokes Up

By Date

Fall Semester 2007

The Scandal of Social Work Education

09/11/07 By the NAS editors

A Response to the AAUP’s Report, “Freedom in the Classroom”

09/21/07 By the NAS editors

Psychotherapeutic Interventions, Transformative Learning, and the Dorms of U Delaware

12/11/07 By Tom Wood

Spring Semester 2008

The "I-Revel-in-My-Biases" School of Social Work -- And What It Does to a Student Who Declines to Join the Revelry

02/21/08 By Ashley Thorne

Inside the ACPA Conference

02/29/08 By Peter Wood

By No Means: Michigan Judge Turns Tables on Advocacy Groups Determined to Derail Civil Rights Initiative

04/07/08 By Terry Pell

Summer 2008

Rebuilding Campus Community: The Wrong Imperative

07/16/08 A Statement of the NAS

Dizzy Diversity

08/07/08 By Ashley Thorne

A Degree in Agitprop

08/11/08 By Peter Wood and Ashley Thorne

Socialism for Sophomores

08/26/08 By Peter Wood and Ashley Thorne

Fall Semester 2008

Protecting the Prickly: La Raza Studies

09/04/09 By Ashley Thorne

College Credit for Campaign Volunteers / About Face in Amherst

09/22/08 and 09/23/08 By Peter Wood

Williams Chokes Up

10/07/08 By Peter Wood

LSU Retreats to its “Safe Space”

10/10/08 By Ashley Thorne

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

10/31/08 By Ashley Thorne

NAS Wall of Secrets

10/31/08 By Peter Wood

My Degree in Diversity

11/06/09 By Ashley Thorne

Spring Semester 2009

Stick to the Facts: Why Duke was Ready to Believe the Duke Lacrosse Hoax (Video)

01/07/09 By Ashley Thorne

Civilization and the Spirit of Scholarship: On the Continuing Need for the National Association of Scholars

Part I: Genuine Academic Freedom

01/22/09 By Peter Wood

Enchanting Sustainability

01/26/09 By Peter Wood

Debate: The Meaning of Academic Freedom (Video)

01/30/09 NAS 2009 Conference: Peter Wood vs. Cary Nelson

Art for Gold

02/03/09 By Peter Wood and Glenn Ricketts

Deferred Maintenance

02/03/09 By Peter Wood

Brandishing an Apology

02/06/09 By Ashley Thorne

Hookup Ink

02/17/09 By Wendy Shalit

“Ask God What Your Grade Is”

02/17/09 By Ashley Thorne

Bias Isn’t Bias If It’s Ours

02/18/09 By Peter Wood

Canada Gets It Right

02/19/09 By Ashley Thorne

Mathematical Deceptions

02/23/09 By Peter Wood

Free to Agree

03/17/09 By Peter Wood

Bucks for Buckeyes

03/26/09 By Peter Wood

“The Only Work I Can Get Around Here Involves Diversity Programs”

04/07/09 By Margaret Matthews

Proven Commitment to the Climate

04/09/09 By Ashley Thorne

Affirmative Spoils

04/20/09 By Peter Wood and Ashley Thorne

New Fear at the New School

04/23/09 By Ashley Thorne

The Classroom Without Reason

04/27/09 By Douglas Campbell

American Character, The Remix: How Education is Shaping Us Today

04/28/09 By Peter Wood

Snitch Studies at Cal Poly: We Snare Because We Care

05/05/09 By Peter Wood

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