
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

September 13, 2017

Abraham Lincoln, Matchmaker

Peter Wood

NAS President Peter Wood's review of Thomas Klingenstein's new play "If Only…A Love Story." 

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September 8, 2017

NAS Applauds Secretary DeVos's Decision on Title IX

National Association of Scholars

PRESS RELEASE: The NAS welcomes Secretary DeVos's decision to rescind the Obama administration's lawless interpretation of Title IX.

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September 7, 2017

Law Professors Celebrate Marriage and Work Ethic, Immediately Attacked as Racists

George W. Dent

Daring to defend the insitution of marriage and hard work will now get you in trouble with the thought police. 

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September 5, 2017

Why I'm Leaving the Political Science Association

Bruce Gilley

Professor Bruce Gilley discusses the lack of intellectual diversity in the American Political Science Association. 

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September 1, 2017

Words Mean What I Say They Mean

Carol Iannone

Vanity Fair insists that "assimilation" means "white supremacy."

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