
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

September 29, 2017

Classroom Diversity and Its Mentality of Taboo

Charles Geshekter

NAS member Charles Geshekter writes about the dogma of diversity in higher education.

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September 27, 2017

Take a Knee to PC

David Randall

Take a knee for political correctness, not our national anthem. 

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September 25, 2017

DeVos Rescinds Disastrous “Dear Colleague” Policy on Campus Sexual Misconduct

National Association of Scholars

PRESS RELEASE: Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has rescinded the Obama Administration's 2011 Dear Colleague Letter.

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September 14, 2017

Race, Sex, and Faculty Searches, Department of Biology, SDSU, 1988-2002

Stuart Hurlbert

Prof. Stuart Hurlbert provides data on the effect of affirmative action policies on faculty searches between 1988 and 2002 at San Diego State University's Biology Department.

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September 13, 2017

2017 Membership Meeting and Board Member Nominations

National Association of Scholars

NAS members may join us October 21 for NAS’s annual member meeting, and may submit nominations for board members until September 27. 

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