
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

January 5, 2018

On Rubrics and Broken Windows

Bruce Brasington

Bruce Brasington discusses the effects of the AP European History examination.

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January 3, 2018

Reading The Age of Jackson in the Age of Trump

National Association of Scholars

NAS Staff members read and comment on Arthur Schlesinger's The Age of Jackson.

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December 21, 2017

Modern vs. Western Thought: The Return of Bacon's Idols

William H. Young

William Young examines the return of idols which Francis Bacon had sought to banish

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December 20, 2017

Does Trump Threaten Science?

Peter Wood

NAS President Peter Wood critiques a polemic by the American Association of University Professors.

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December 18, 2017

Victoria Coates Is Keynote Speaker at February NAS Conference

National Association of Scholars

Victoria C. G. Coates, author of David's Sling: A History of Democracy in Ten Works of Art, will give the dinner keynote address at NAS's conference in Phoenix, "What Is Western Civi......

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