
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

May 2, 2018

Western Civilization's Ticking Clock

Ashley Thorne

A new documentary, The Fight for Our Lives, details the ideological war against the West. 

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April 30, 2018

Scholars File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court in Manning v. Jones

National Association of Scholars

Seeking the right to be free of employment discrimination for expressing differing points of view.

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April 26, 2018

A New Script for Shoutdowns

Peter Wood

An NAS member's observations on a heckle-down at UCLA.

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April 26, 2018

CUNY's Lawless Law Students

National Association of Scholars

NAS writes to the City University of New York's Chancellor, James Milken, following the no platforming of Josh Blackman.

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