
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

September 19, 2019

The History of American Enterprise

H. W. Brands

The ingenuity of the American mindset is what has made America wealthy.

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September 19, 2019

Bad Science Makes for Bad Government

David Randall

The government needs to form rules to ensure that the exercise of scientific expertise can itself be independently reproduced and verified.

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September 19, 2019

A Letter to the SCS and AIA

Peter Wood

The NAS writes to voice concern about a new Joint Harassment Policy adopted by the Society for Classics Studies and Archaeological Institute of America.

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September 18, 2019

America is Hopelessly Racist

Peter Wood

What does it mean to re-write America's foundational myth?

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September 17, 2019

A Champion of Free Inquiry and Intellectual Diversity Runs for the Yale Corporation

National Association of Scholars

Law professor Nicholas Rosenkranz is mounting a petition campaign for the Yale Corporation.

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