
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 24, 2010

New Excellent Programs: Tocqueville Program and Center for Statesmanship

Ashley Thorne

Check out our list of excellent programs as we add new ones at Indiana and Richmond.

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August 23, 2010

Another Federal Judge Upholds Thought Reform

Glenn Ricketts

This summer has been a pretty rough ride for students and faculty whose religious convictions run counter to campus PC trends concerning homosexuality. We've recently seen the summary dismissal......

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August 23, 2010

Ringing Defense of College Courses on the Value of Entrepreneurship

George Leef

In today's Pope Center piece, Michael Strong gives a ringing defense of programs such as those funded by BB&T that are designed to teach students about capitalism and particularly the value......

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August 20, 2010

Threats to Academic Freedom from Right and Left

Ashley Thorne

Bob Samuels reviews AAUP president Cary Nelson's book No University is an Island: Not only did I discover this year that some administrators were receiving all of my emails, but, a couple of y......

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August 20, 2010

Professor Paquette Responds

Ashley Thorne

In April, Hamilton College American history professor Robert Paquette published an NAS article describing how the campus left insulates itself and bullies dissenters. 

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