
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 17, 2014

The Ongoing Madness in Madison

George Leef

The University of Wisconsin, Madison recruits many academically weak students to make the campus more diverse, but the open admission standards erode the university's academic integrity.

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December 17, 2014

APUSH: Tempest in a Teapot?

Jonathan Bean

Jonathan Bean isn't terribly upset about the new APUSH course.

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December 16, 2014

Video Coverage of Common Core Debate at St. Francis College

National Association of Scholars

St. Francis College recently hosted a debate on the Common Core between NAS President Peter Wood and Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Sol Stern. Video coverage of the full event is availabl......

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December 16, 2014

How Data-Mining Hurts Higher Education

Peter Wood

The promises of data-mining in higher education are that we will end up with more students achieving degrees at lower cost, but the soft totalitarianism that will be required to achieve these gains is......

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December 15, 2014

Academic Social Science and the Family

William H. Young

William Young examines the negative effects of social science on the traditional family.

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