
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

January 28, 2015

Scholars Milgram and Stotsky Explain Problems with the Common Core

National Association of Scholars

Drs. Jim Milgram and Sandra Stotsky critique the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in a KTVN 2 News interview. 

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January 28, 2015

The Muslim Call to Prayer at Duke

Peter Wood

NAS president Peter Wood evaluates Duke University's short-lived and ill-considered decision to broadcast the Muslim adhan every Friday on campus.

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January 23, 2015

APUSH, Not Common Core, Threatens Concept of American Exceptionalism

Kevin T. Brady

Kevin T. Brady finds the APUSH standards a far greater problem than Common Core.

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January 23, 2015

AQ Contributor Writes for TIME Magazine on Distortion of History in "Selma"

Madison Iszler

Academic Questions contributor David Kaiser writes for TIME Magazine on why the movie Selma is historically inaccurate.

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January 23, 2015

How MOOCs Threaten Your Privacy

Rachelle Peterson

Rachelle Peterson warns against several dangers of MOOCs, which include the possibility of data mining and privacy infringement.

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