
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 17, 2015

Tucked In: The Legacy of Goodnight Moon

Peter Wood

The 1945 bedtime story Goodnight Moon remains a classic invocation of peacefulness and home.

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March 16, 2015

Donor Intent Wins at Trinity College

George Leef

A battle over a philanthropic endowment at Trinity College ends as a victory for donor intent.

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March 10, 2015

Introducing Development Assistant Dan Kemp

National Association of Scholars

Dan Kemp begins as development assistant at the NAS.

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March 9, 2015

Merchants of Smear

Rachelle Peterson

Conspiracy theorists make an ad hominem attack film about climate-change doubters. 

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March 4, 2015

Letter to Members of Congress: Rein in the DoED's Office for Civil Rights

Peter Wood

NAS president Peter Wood urges U.S. Members of Congress to rein in the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.

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