
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

January 19, 2017

Academia is in the New Dark Age

Leo Goldstein

Leo Goldstein replies to comments by Bruce Gilley and Edward R. Dougherty.

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January 18, 2017

NAS Affiliate Oregon Association of Scholars Launches New Website

National Association of Scholars

The Oregon chapter of the National Association of Scholars has provided resources for members at 

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January 18, 2017

Stanley Fish Opposes Politicized “New Civics”

National Association of Scholars

Professor Stanley Fish offers his thoughts on our report Making Citizens.

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January 11, 2017

New York Post and Others Highlight NAS Report

National Association of Scholars

NAS has analyzed the masquerading of political activism as a civics education in our report Making Citizens: How American Universities Teach Civics, garnering media attention.

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January 10, 2017

Making Citizens: How American Universities Teach Civics

National Association of Scholars

An in-depth report on how civics is taught around the United States.

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