
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 21, 2017

NAS Urges Office of Management and Budget to Reject New Racial Categories

Peter Wood

The U.S. Census should not be a tool for advancing the interests of any political party and should be above the fray.

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April 20, 2017

NAS President Peter Wood's Letter to Claremont McKenna College President Chodosh

Peter Wood

After students at Claremont protested the speech of Heather Mac Donald two weeks ago, what do free speech and academic freedom mean at Claremont Mckenna?

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April 20, 2017

Anti-Trump Education

National Association of Scholars

David Randall describes anti-Trump professors and the vanishing ideal of apolitical teaching.

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April 19, 2017

Why Read Great Books?

David Randall

David Randall discusses the problems with reading Great Books as part of an "education to democracy."

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April 17, 2017

Under the Ivy

Peter Wood

Ivy League universities picked up $41.59 billion in taxpayer-funded payments. How do these universities spend their share of the public purse? 

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